Submersible Non-Clog Pumps

Hydromatic offers a complete
line of Non-Clog and Vortex pumps
for applications such as wastewater,
lift stations, treatment plants,
sump, drainage, de-watering,
sludge & slurry and
industrial waste.
  • Discharge sizes ranging from 3" to 12"
  • Solids handling from 2-1/2" to 6"
  • Horsepowers ranging from 3/4HP to 150HP
Range Curves
1750 RPM
1150 RPM
870 RPM


1750 RPM


1150 RPM


870 RPM


ISO9001 Certified, CSA and UL approved, SWPA and WWEMA members

Pentair Pump Group
Copyright Pentair Pump Group. All Rights Reserved.

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